and... why not a cruise?

1st November 2022
and... why not a cruise?

Being Spain a country with many kilometers of coastline, there are several cities on our coast that have commercial ports with cruise terminals, where we can take a ship to take us to any part of the world. The most common cruises that leave our shores are to visit the eastern most countries of the Mediterranean: Italy, Greece, Tunisia, etc.


We can also take a transatlantic cruise that takes us from Spain to Argentina, the United States, the Caribbean or Brazil. These trips usually last between 16 and 24 days, being, in some cases, up to 7 days or more without seeing land; Normally, these types of cruises are usually very affordable, with an interesting quality/service/price ratio.

Different boats leave from the different Spanish ports: small and very exclusive, even large ships in which, when you are sailing in one of them, you do not feel that you are on a ship and it gives you the feeling that you are in the center of a great city. Some of these ships can hold up to almost 7,000 passengers, plus 2,400 crew. These have a large number of restaurants, different types of bars... the gastronomic offer is very varied; large theaters with different shows every night, movie theaters, bowling alleys, several swimming pools, including heated ones, tennis and basketball courts, a Formula One simulator... in short, a great variety for leisure. The gym is usually spectacular in terms of the variety of machines and elements to keep you in shape while on vacation. You can also attend cooking classes, learn a language or even dance tango.


Going on a cruise is getting to know different destinations without the need to take flights or trains, nor the car and most importantly, you don’t have to change hotels when you change cities since the hotel travels with you, there is no need to pack and unpack every time you arrive or depart from a certain destination.

For cruise dependents, there is the possibility of buying or long-term renting an apartment on a residence ship, where passengers have their habitual residence. These ships usually stop between two and four days in each port and the destinations are chosen by vote of the ship’s residents. In this case we do not know what address is written on the DNI or Passport of these passengers and a question arises, where will they pay the taxes?


If we choose a cruise for our vacations, we will not find surprises in terms of the budget that we always have and if we take the option offered by all the “all-inclusive” ships, we will know before starting our trip, the total cost of our vacations .


Nowadays it is very easy to book a cruise with a single click, but it is advisable to visit an experienced travel agency so that they can advise us the best and what best suits our wishes, because, although we have a lot of information on the internet, nothing better than letting ourselves be advised by a specialist to whom we can turn in the event of any doubt or problem that arises.


In our area we have JAMBO TRAVEL with highly experienced staff, with more than 35 years selling cruises among other trips. Also, keep in mind that there is no difference in the price of doing it online compared to doing it in a travel agency; shipping companies are very serious and have the same price for any sales channel or system.

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